Location 位置: Kwun Tong, HK 香港观塘   |   Type 类型: Commercial 商业用途   |   Date 日期: 2015
Further to the previous design and renovation work for the first Hong Kong branch of “ProTech Monte-Carlo”, a professional car beauty company, in Kowloon Bay, APU was involved in ProTech’s new shop renovation in Kwun Tong. APU continued to adopt the previous shop design concept to the new shop renovation by using ProTech’s theme colors of grey, red and black in the design and featuring a red spine going through the shop wall. Given the high ceilings, APU also designed the entrance and the new coating room with parallel LED lighting on the walls and the ceilings to create a light surrounding effect for the modern design.
ProTech位于观塘的新店承接了九龙湾旧店的设计意念,以简约的品牌颜色-灰、红、黑三种颜色来突出该品牌在汽车美容服务的特色及形象,并以红色油漆于墙中作腰线,围绕整个店铺。 APU善用了新店高楼底的空间,于店铺入口处及新设的无尘镀膜房装置了数行平行的LED灯,营造出被光包围的感觉,带出犘登型格的设计。​​​​​

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